“Creating, Maintaining and Implementing Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAP) in NSW – The Disability Council NSW” a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC, Disability Council NSW Member on 23 November 2023 to the Woollahra Municipal Council’s DIAP Working group in Sydney.
“Settling and mediating government litigation” a paper by Mark Robinson SC given to the Law Society of NSW’s Annual Conference in Sydney on 6 October 2023
“The Disability Council of NSW, its work and operation” a paper by Mark Robinson SC for the Centre for Disability Research and Policy at the University of Sydney 19 January 2023
“Statements of Reasons Why, When, What, How” a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Legalwise Seminar titled “Administrative Decision Making: Grounds of Review and Error” on 29 March 2022 in Sydney
“Persuasive Advocacy in NCAT: What does it take?” a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Legalwise Seminar titled “NCAT Practice and Procedure” in Sydney on 23 March 2023
“Disability Excellence: Big Dreams, Limitless Futures” (a paper by Mark Robinson SC to the University of Sydney’s Disability at Work Network (DAWN) given on campus on 13 September 2022 at the Chau Chak Wing Museum)
“Delegations and Sub-Delegations Making Decisions without Authority” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a LegalWise Conference “Administrative Law: Preparing Reasons, Delegated Powers and FOI” held in Sydney on 8 June 2022
“The Djokovic Cases in Australia” a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the Australian Lawyers Alliance, NSW State Conference, Friday 4 March 2022”
“NCAT Jurisdiction and Appearing in NCAT Matters” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Legalwise Seminar NCAT Practice and Procedure in Sydney on 24 March 2020)
“Judicial Review of Workers Compensation Decisions” (a paper by Mark Robinson SC to a NSW Bar Association Personal Injury and Common Law Conference, Sydney on 14 March 2020)
“Judicial Review of CARS, MAS and DRS Determinations: Recent Decisions in NSW” (a paper written by Mark Robinson SC and Jnana Gumbert, barrister for the UNSW Personal
Injury Intensive in Sydney on 17 March 2020)
“Judicial Review of Tribunal Decisions: Lessons and Warnings” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC at the Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal seminar held in Sydney on 26 June 2019)
“Judicial Review of CARS and MAS Determinations: Recent Decisions in NSW” (a paper written by Mark Robinson SC and Jnana Gumbert, barrister and delivered by Mark Robinson SC at the Legalwise Personal Injury conference held in Sydney on 22 March 2019)
“Introduction to NCAT – the Civil and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the Readers’ Course of the NSW Bar Association in Sydney on 17 May 2019)
Setting Aside Search Warrants in New South Wales (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the Getaway CPD Criminal Lawyers Conference in Hawaii on 10 June 2018)
“Disputes with Centrelink – Options: to Settle or Challenge” (a paper by Mark Robinson SC for the Toongabbie Legal Centre 10 Year Anniversary Seminar Series given on 23 September 2017)
“How to Run an Administrative Law Case in New South Wales” (a paper by Mark Robinson SC for the NSW Bar Association’s Sydney CPD Conference on 25 March 2017)
“Looking Over Your Shoulder – Tribunals in Australia” (a paper by Mark Robinson SC given to the Council of Australasian Tribunals (COAT) National Conference on 10 June 2016 in Hobart)
“Australia’s Papua New Guinea Response to the Boat People Crisis – Legal and Constitutional Perspectives” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the ANZAPPL National Conference 20 November 2014)
“Judicial Review” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the Australian Lawyers Alliance on 25 October 2014)
“Judicial Review of Delegated Legislation” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a NSW Bar Association CPD Conference held in Sydney on 18 August 2014)
“Regulation and Discipline of Health Practitioners Under NCAT (Civil and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales)” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to an Australian Lawyers Alliance Medical Law Conference held in Sydney on 25 July 2014)
“Paper for Claims Assessors of the Motor Accidents Authority of NSW” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a MAA Claims Assessors’ Conference held in Sydney on 15 October 2014)
“Recent Developments in Administrative Law” (paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a NSW Legal Aid Civil Law Conference held in Sydney on 22 August 2014)
“Administrative Law, CARS and Courts: Life After Smalley” (a paper by Mark Robinson SC and Jnana Gumbert, Barrister, to the NSW Bar Association’s 2014 Personal Injury/Common Law Conference, held in Sydney on 15 March 2014)
“The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC at a NSW State Legal Conference held in Sydney on 31 March 2014)
“Discipline in the ‘Medicare Workforce’ – Commonwealth Professional Disciplinary Tribunals for Australian Medical Professionals” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Learned Friends medico-legal conference held in New York on 17 September 2013
“Challenging Awards of Claims Assessors and Decisions of MAS Assessors, Reviews Panels and Proper Officers of the Motor Accidents Authority of NSW” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the NSW Bar Association’s 2013 Personal Injury Conference, held in Sydney on 2 March 2013)
“Recent NSW Administrative Law Decisions” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to the NSW State Legal Conference held in Sydney on 27 March 2013)
“Administrative Law: A Year in Review” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a LegalWise Conference titled “Administrative Law in Action” held in Sydney on 21 November 2012)
“Challenging Awards of MAA Claims Assessors” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Holman Webb, solicitors, conference held in Sydney on 29 October 2012)
“Developments in Statutory Interpretation and Recent Lessons in Professional Disciplinary Treatment of Medical Professionals in Australia” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Continuing Professional Education Conference held in Venice-Cortina on 10 September 2012)
“Administrative Law Litigation in the Federal Court of Australia” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Young Lawyers Conference held in Sydney on 11 July 2012)
“A Question of Law: Practice and Procedure in Courts and Tribunals in New South Wales” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a LegalWise Government Lawyers Conference held in Sydney on 1 June 2012)
“The Legal Framework of Challenges to Administrative Decision Making in NSW – A NSW Administrative Law Refresher” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson SC to a Learned Friends conference held at Lord Howe Island, NSW on 1 April 2012)
“Administrative Law Update” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson to the annual conference of the Council of Australasian Tribunals, NSW Chapter (COAT (NSW)) held in Sydney on 13 May 2011
“Administrative Law for Personal Injury Lawyers” (a paper delivered by Mark Robinson to the 2011 Personal Injury Conference of the NSW Bar Association held on 5 March 2011 in Sydney)
“Judicial Review of CARS and MAS Determinations – Administrative Law in Practice” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson at seminar held by Sparke Helmore, Solicitors on 19 October 2010 in Sydney)
“Judicial Review of CARS and MAS determinations” – Administrative Law in Practice 19 Oct 2010
“Administrative Law Update for ADT Members” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson for the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of NSW’s Annual Members Conference on 5 November 2009 in Sydney)
“NSW Administrative Law Update” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson to the NSW Bar Association Seminar “Administrative Law Update” on 28 September 2009 in Sydney)
“Administrative Law and Personal Injury Litigation in NSW” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson to the 2009 “Review of Workers Compensation” Conference of the NCSW College of Law held on 9 July 2009 in Sydney)
“The First 10 Years of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson to the Annual Members’ Conference of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales, titled “ADT: Tenth Anniversary” held in Sydney on 14 November 2008)
“Administrative Law Values and Cultural Change” (a commentary by Mark A Robinson, Barrister on a paper delivered by Professor John McMillan, Commonwealth Ombudsman at an Australian Institute of Administrative Law, NSW Chapter seminar in Sydney on 24 July 2008)
“Obtaining Documents in NSW Under Freedom of Information and Subpoenas” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, to the City of Sydney Law Society Inc in Sydney on 4 June 2008)
“Damages in False Imprisonment Matters” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, a paper delivered to a NSW Legal Aid Commission Seminar in Sydney on 22 February 2008)
“Developments in Judicial Review” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, to the “Third Annual Public Sector In-House Counsel” Seminar in Canberra on 24 September 2007)
“ASIC As Amicus Curiae” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, to an Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Seminar in Sydney on 25 July 2007)
“Internal Working Documents and the Public Interest in New South Wales” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, to the “FOI – Court of Appeal Decision” seminar of the NSW Young Lawyers’ Section of the NSW Law Society in Sydney on 6 March 2007)
“State Judicial Review” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, to the Eleventh Annual Public Law Weekend “Perspectives on Accountability in Canberra on 4 November 2006)
“Administrative Law Update” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, to the “Second Annual Public Sector In-House Counsel” Seminar in Canberra on 28 August 2006)
“Administrative Law in NSW Workers Compensation and Motor Accidents Compensation” (a paper by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, delivered to the Australian Insurance Law Association (AILA) Seminar Held on 18 August 2005 in Sydney)
“Disability Discrimination and the Bar” (a paper by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, delivered to a seminar of the Equal Opportunity Committee of the NSW Bar Association, Sydney on 8 June 2005)
“Disability Access Cheat Sheet” (a collection of disability access information and contacts for courts and tribunals in Sydney dated 8 June 2005)
“Practical Justice and Procedural Fairness” (a paper by Mark A Robinson, barrister, for the PAVE Peace Group delivered at Sydney on 23 December 2003)
“Collecting Evidence for Trial: Discovery, Subpoenas, Notices To Produce & Privilege” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson, Barrister to the University of NSW, Faculty of Law, CLE Seminar – “Commercial Contract Litigation” in Sydney on 12 November 2002)
“Judicial Review of Decisions by State Tribunals” (a paper delivered to the NSW Legal Aid conference “Civil Law – A Focus of Human Rights” held on 6 & 7 November 2002 in Sydney by Mark A Robinson, Barrister)
“The New Administrative Decisions Tribunal of NSW” (a paper presented by Mark A Robinson, Barrister, to the AIC Annual Summit on “Administrative Law” held in Canberra on 24 September 1998)
“Redefining the Role of the Courts: The Implications of Recent Developments in the Judicial Review of Migration Decisions” (By Dr Mary Crock, Legal Practitioner and Lecturer in Law, University of Sydney and Mr Mark A Robinson, Barrister, Sydney Bar, Devivered to an AIC Conference titled “Administrative Law and Ethics” in Canberra, 24-26 November 1997)
“Personal Senior Public Sector Liability in Australia” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson at a BLEC Seminar titled “Government Liability” in Canberra, 1 November 1996)
“Executive Necessity: Upholding Contracts of a Previous Government” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson at a BLEC Seminar titled “Government Liability” in Canberra, 1 November 1996)
“Private Law vs Public Law: Issues in Government Liability” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson and Ian Harvey at a BLEC Conference “Government Liability, Issues in Public Law: 4th Annual Workshop” in Melbourne on 4 May 1995 and in Sydney on 11 May 1995)
“Finding Law on the Internet” (by Sandra Davey, Lisa Allen and Mark A Robinson, delivered to the NSW Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 13 May 1996)

“Commonwealth Administrative Law: The Basics” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson to the State Legal Conference ’96, Sydney, March 1996)
“Northern Territory of Australia v Mengel” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson at a BLEC Conference “Liability in the 1990s: The 7th Annual Liability Law Update”, Melbourne and Sydney, November 1995)
“The Source of Government Power” (a paper delivered by Mark A Robinson at a BLEC Conference titled “Government Liability in Contract, Tort and Administrative Law” in Sydney, 24 & 25 February 1993)
“Natural Justice and Investigations” (a paper by Mark A Robinson for a Mallesons Seminar in Sydney on 20 August 1991)
“The Legal Implications of Dealing With Government” (a paper by Mark A Robinson for an Infrastructure Seminar in Sydney on 4 October 1990)